Fun times around the waterfront.
10 May 2018
12:10 PM - Bream and Pinkies there for the taking
There've been fun times for local anglers chasing bream and pinkies around the waterfront of late.
It's always good when shore based anglers have access to cracking fishing and switched on local anglers have been having just that.
By targetting structure close to shore with unweighted or very lightly weighted baits these guys having been getting among some solid fish.
And like a lot of things thinking outside the norm has been part of the success.
Fishing live freshwater yabbies as bait has been getting the best results. You read that right, live FRESHWATER yabbies!
Much tougher than a bass yabby and more readily available bream are a real sucker for them. Just give em a try.
Simply slip a size 4 or 6 black Konan Beak hook through the tail starting on the belly side. Rigging this way will have the hook point exposed out the back of the bait giving you a better chance of a hookup as well as less chance of the hook point fouling on the bait itself.
Unweighted is best for this technique if you have the gear to fish that light. Let the bait drift down on a slack line and watch for the slack to be taken up when a fish has the yabby.